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 The Compulsory Basic Training Course or CBT is the minimum level required by law to be be able to ride a moped from 16 years old. It also allows riding a vehicle of 125cc from 17 years of age.   


It was introduced to ensure that all people wishing to ride a vehicle of 50cc or 125cc independently on the road reach a safe standard of riding.


And to ensure learners have a good understanding of how to use road systems and the knowledge of the highway code.




The CBT is aimed at new and novice riders. However, it is also taken by people who wish to renew their CBT opting not to take a recognised test.


The course is generally a one day course. However, we all learn at different rates and some people may need further training to attain a level that is deemed of a safe standard to attain the CBT certificate.


For a more important information on the CBT course please click on the buttons below.

Ride Motorbike Training School is here to help you start your journey on two wheels. Whatever questions or concerns you may have, we are here to help

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